It is the design of a personalized smile by evaluating the relationship between a number of aesthetic criteria such as lips, gums, teeth, the color of the tissue surrounding the lips separately and with each other, and using porcelain laminates, emax or zirconium-supported veneers, teeth whitening, small bonding systems or a combination of all of them in line with the special wishes of the individuals.
Some of the methods we use for smile design in our clinic;
1-Sheet porcelain treatment (lamina), which can be applied in cases where the structural form is irregular, discrete, and sufficient effect cannot be obtained with whitening
2-Porcelain veneers, zirconium veneers and emax porcelain veneers applied in cases of abrasion and loss of material in teeth caused by different reasons, teeth with excessive discoloration, implant overlays, teeth with deteriorated structure, bridge applications, strengthening and prolonging the life of teeth and having a natural appearance
3-Aesthetic filling procedures (bonding), which is the process of filling these gaps with fillings without damaging the teeth in cases where there are gaps between the teeth in patients
4-Bleaching application applied on teeth that have lost their whiteness
In order to achieve a beautiful smile, white teeth alone are not enough. In addition to whiteness, the healthy appearance of the gums and the proportion of the teeth are also very important. With smile design, it is aimed to achieve a perfect smile by ensuring gum, tooth and lip harmony.
A- Laminated Veneer (Leaf Porcelain)
Laminated means leaf in Latin. Laminated dental veneers are applied for color differences in teeth, tooth cracks and fractures, discoloration caused by filling, uniting separated teeth (diastema closure).
As an alternative to orthodontic treatment in the correction of crooked and crooked teeth, aesthetic application can be made by applying leaf porcelain only on the front surface instead of giving a cut tooth form by abrading the tooth from all sides. With this method, it is a very protective prosthesis application since it is cut from the structure of the tooth by 0.3 -0.7 mm, and a natural and aesthetic smile is provided due to the structure of the porcelain itself since there is no metal in the substructure. With laminates, your teeth can be whitened, the gaps between the teeth can be filled and you can have a beautiful smile. Laminates are highly resistant to abrasion and their surfaces are very smooth, so there is no discoloration that may occur due to smoking and similar reasons.
Since a special material is used as an adhesive during the procedure, it is not possible for the veneers to fall off or separate from the tooth surface for any reason.
B-Zirconium Coatings
Zirconium is a chemical element found in nature. It belongs to the group of non-metal supported coatings and offers a more natural appearance compared to metal supported coatings.Due to its higher light transmittance compared to metal-supported coatings, it does not create a dark color in the gums and does not create PROBLEMS such as black color reflection on the gingival edge, which is possible in porcelain teeth with metal coatings in the future. In addition, due to the light transmittance of zirconium, the matte appearance of the teeth disappears and a healthier, more transparent and more natural appearance is obtained due to the closest appearance of the teeth to the original.It is an ideal type of dental treatment for patients with metal allergies, it is durable, minimizes staining caused by smoking or other reasons, does not cause bad breath, does not cause gum problems, does not cause taste changes in the mouth.
Zirconium is frequently used in dentistry thanks to its low grain diameter, high tensile strength and aesthetic infrastructure. It is very resistant to temperature and abrasion.
Thanks to the innovations in the field of dentistry, zirconium is now preferred for dental veneers. While dental treatment was previously performed using porcelain veneers, the use of zirconium dental veneers has started to increase in recent years. Zirconium is a coating material that is replacing porcelain in today’s dentistry world. Zirconium, which gives a more natural tooth appearance than porcelain, is a coating method preferred by many dentists.
C-Emax Coatings
It means maximum aesthetics. The biggest advantage of this application is that no metal is used. Thus, a transparent and close to natural appearance is obtained. The surface is protected against stains and plaque formation.
Since it does not contain metal, it does not cause an allergic reaction, there is no purplish color formation on the gums and the edges of the teeth, it does not damage the tooth structure, the substances in its content are among the most compatible structures with the tooth.
Since it has light transmittance, there is no matte appearance, color options are quite high, tooth structure is slippery and smooth. For this reason, the formation of tartar is almost non-existent, which prevents the occurrence of gum disease. EMax tooth coating process is mainly applied for front incisors. Since Emax veneers are weaker than zirconium veneers in terms of durability, zirconium veneers are preferred for the teeth in the back region.
Emax is a material consisting of monolithic lithium disilicate ceramic. light transmittance is higher than zirconium. for this reason, it is more natural and more aesthetic than zirconium, it has a glassy structure. but since it is not as durable as zirconium, zirconium coating is preferred in areas where pressure is high.
Teeth whitening treatments with a very high success rate can damage your teeth if not applied by a dentist.laser teeth whitening is a process that takes about 1 hour in a clinical environment. Bleaching is the process of lightening the color of the teeth using chemical substances. Since the teeth are open to be affected by colored substances coming from outside for 15 days after the laser whitening process, care should be taken not to consume coloring foods and drinks. During this process, a protective plaque is placed on the gum around the tooth to prevent the gum from being affected by chemicals. In our clinic, we safely and successfully apply the bleaching procedure that provides optimum whitening.
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