It is a department that deals with diseases of the tissues surrounding the teeth, gums and bone surrounding the tooth roots and their treatment.
In our clinic in this context;
a – Tartar Cleaning: Bacterial plaque turns into tartar as a result of hardening over time. It appears with different names such as tartar cleaning, tartar cleaning, dental plaque cleaning. In addition to discoloration of the teeth, dental plaque causes bad breath and dental caries. For this reason, dental calculus should be cleaned by a dentist every six months.
Scaling is not harmful. Dental calculus damages our oral and dental health with bad breath, tooth discoloration, gum disease, caries and many similar problems. It also leads to tooth loss in the future. These situations should not be caused. Of course, in addition to this, patients should support this process with the right toothbrush, the right toothpaste, the right brushing techniques, regular cleaning, regular flossing and mouthwash use.
b-Gingivectomy: Surgical removal of gingival tissue.
c-Gingivoplasty: It is the process of shaping the healthy gingival tissues around the tooth.
Gingivectomy and gingivoplasty surgery are used when
1-Elimination of over-bone psedo (false) pockets
2-Removal of fibrous and edematous growths in the gums
3-Providing aesthetics by removing asymmetries in the gums
4-Removal of the form and deformity of the gingival edges
5-In increasing the retention of the crown to be made
6-It is used to provide aesthetic appearance by extending the length of short teeth due to delayed passive eruption, which we call short tooth syndrome.
It refers to bad or unpleasant odor caused by intraoral or extraoral causes. It is thought to affect about a quarter of the world’s population. The causes of bad breath can be pathological or physiological, or in some cases both.
80-90% of pathological halitosis is of oral origin. Gum and mucous membrane diseases, fungi and infections, implants and prostheses in poor condition, dental caries, bad fillings, decreased saliva and dry mouth, oral cancers, tonsil diseases cause halitosis.
Another cause of bad breath in the mouth is halitosis originating from the tongue. Especially the back of the tongue cannot be cleaned well with saliva. Tongues with structurally indented, protruding fissures (clefts) are also an important source of odor. For this reason, the tongue should be brushed while brushing the teeth.
Prophylactically, we can minimize or even eliminate bad breath by teaching oral hygiene, showing our patients the correct brushing techniques and regular check-ups every six months.
Physiological Halitosis
It is a bad breath that is noticed after prolonged fasting or after meals due to eating habits. It is caused by the interaction of bacteria with high protein foods such as red meat, fish, cheese and dairy products. Physiological halitosis can also occur after consuming odorous foods such as onions, garlic, spices, smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee.
Physiological halitosis can be relieved by attention to oral hygiene.
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