The branch of dentistry that detects and treats crowded teeth and incompatible jaw relationships is called orthodontics. According to the existing orthodontic problem in the mouth, there are transparent plate (invisalign) treatment, fixed braces, removable orthodontic treatments.

With our expert orthodontist doctor staff in our clinic;

Transparent plate treatment
Removable orthodontic treatment
Upper jaw expansion treatment
Open-deep bite treatment
Treatment of closing disorders
Orthopedic jaw treatments
Reinforcement treatment
Night plate
Bruxism (teeth grinding) treatments are successfully applied.
Transparent Plaque invisalign – Wireless Dental Treatment
The technique of ensuring that the teeth are in the desired position without using braces, only with apparatus, is called transparent plaque treatment.

What Advantages Does Wireless Orthodontic Treatment Offer?

Aesthetic concerns in the use of devices such as braces, brackets, etc. are eliminated with transparent aligners.
It eliminates minor irritation and discomfort that may be experienced during the period of getting used to braces.
Maintenance and daily use of transparent dental aligners are also more practical than braces.
Unlike braces, there is no harm in the use of dental floss and toothbrush.
The problem of the brackets breaking off, which is seen in braces treatment, does not exist in the aligners.
The important thing in braces-free teeth straightening treatment is that the patient wears the aligners regularly and for the required time (18 hours a day).

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